150: Hold My Ford

The gang go back over Tha Wicked Kitchen after receiving an email. Toon talks drug related crime. Chris hates life and Randy Newman makes his presence felt. Hope you like juggalo news, there's a lot of it in the episode.

149: Hold My Bad Company

The gang discuss drive thru related crimes, what they would do if they fell on hard times and had to preform at children's parties, juggalo news, and what they would do with a three million dollar mansion. Sit back and enjoy this hilarious episode of Hold My Beer... and sorry B-Rad.

148: Hold My Facial

The crew ring in the new year as Chris informs us how celebrities are keeping their good looks. Also, they go over the oddest orders ever placed at a drive-thru, and T.J. goes on about ass parade....

A Boozie Coozie Christmas 3

The gang celebrate a little to hard this holiday season as they receive a gift containing more than enough booze to derail the show. None the less, enjoy tales of horrid Santas and shower time with a creep on this years Christmas special.

Hold My Salad

The gang discuss fronts for their criminal empires, baby shark, amazon reviews, and how you can lose weight while near and/on a farm. To contact the HMB crew send an email to realhmbpodcast@gmail.com

Hold My Rapid Result

The HMB gang kick back and question the act of taking a minor to a furry convention. To make up their minds they go through just one days worth of activities. This episode is best enjoyed with a tall glass of jingle juice!

Hold My Closet

The group discuss a very odd tale of revenge, in which, a troll stabs himself. Also, there are funny porn names, aliens, personal dinning stories, and so much more. Enjoy and feel free to rate and review! For everything Hold My Beer, head over to www.thenandnowproductions.com There, you can hit the contact link to send us anything you want. Enjoy, and as always, we'll hold your beer.