Danny daydreams about life as a pirate and Chris relives his time a violin playing horse.
Hold My So Co Cult
Chris and Danny argue about music, the gang go over podcasts that might have stolen their name, and Yams got VERY close to joining a cult in Tennessee!
Hold My Fern
The gang delve deep into the secret world of swingers and Chris reveals that one book can teach you every lesson you'll ever need.
Hold My Horse Position
The gang talk about wresting moves, bad relationships, and how Yams' love life is terminal!
Hold My Hoosier Ninja
Most of the gang is back to discuss live events, throwing stars, and a really bad rap song!
The Gang Watch T.V. 2
The gang kick back and react to some of the best bloopers to ever happen in the world of professional wrestling!
Hold My Moist Meat
The gang is angry about ice cream, Danny found a cook book from his childhood church, and Chris yells about the Insane Clown Posse!
Hold My Massage Chair
The gang define a sport, try a chocolate beer, and Yams creates a great new character