Can Toon survive five rooms of the most terrifying things Danny's mind can muster?!? Find out this year on H.M.B.'s Halloween special.
Hold My Debate at the Gate 2 (part 1)
This is part one of a two part series. Enjoy as the gang try talking their way into Heaven, try a fantastic new beer, and completely misinterpret an Ozzy song. Make sure to tune in next week to see who wins Debate the Gate!
Hold My Bachelor Pod
The gang sat down the night before Chris got married to find out who he knows more, his wife-to-be, or his husband?
Hold My Ingredients
The gang discover new prospects for prostidudes, play a new game, and listen to a broken song.
Hold My Horror 7 (Dance Potato)
Join HMB for one spooky game night!
300: Happy Yamsgiving 5 (God Needs Another Baby)
285: Hold My Shot At Shane
Yams ruins Danny's fun to start off this episode. Toon then informs the HMB crew that some one they all went to high school with also has a podcast, and then Chris crushes it in a game!
274: Hold My Dead Dad Club
Nick Mawenz returns for the first time, in a long time, and the gang play a new game in which they have to guess how people died. Also, Nick tells tale of a dream that he had involving the departed, Yams was visited by the police, and Chris is cut off. Enjoy and subscribe, please.