stupid criminals

Hold My Rapid Result

The HMB gang kick back and question the act of taking a minor to a furry convention. To make up their minds they go through just one days worth of activities. This episode is best enjoyed with a tall glass of jingle juice!

Hold My Hammer

The gang tackle more headlines, personal stories, and odd facts this week as the review 2 Hats lime beer. 
We are looking for listener feed back and participation. You can contact us at or by going to and hitting the contact link. Enjoy, and as all ways, we'll hold your beer.

Hold My 100 Proof

The gang sit back and celebrate a milestone with beer, news, a lying potato, and learning how to be better.

Hold My Alabama

The gang kick back as Danny yells about events around his house and stupid criminals, review two different beers, and Yams makes it a little too real.