The gang try a beer they all suspect of being expired, and then, go over the world of cryptids! Introducing the B-Rad Memorial Cryptid Corner!
Hold My Haunted Hello
Chris recalls a ghostly voice saying hello to him, funeral homes after hours, and how disappointed at everything Yams is.
Slaughter in the Summer 2024
B-Rad returns as the gang go over cryptid encounters, try four different drinks, discuss a cursed couch, and how much Chris and Toon missed each other.
Hold My Fear
Can Toon survive five rooms of the most terrifying things Danny's mind can muster?!? Find out this year on H.M.B.'s Halloween special.
Hold My Zombies (Theatrical Cut)
Danny got Covid so this week we bring you a more produced version of the D&D style zombie game.
Hold My Zombies
It's time, once again, for the HMB gang to delve into the world of role playing! How many wrestling moves can Chris do on some zombies? How confused will Toon get? How cool will B-Rad look? What will find it's way into Yams's mouth?
296: Hold My Horror 6
Danny, Chris, and Yams celebrate one of their favorite holidays as only they would. The episode starts with a spider crawling up a penis, moves to Chris discussing some odd activities that went down at his house, and Yams talks about one gross cult! Enjoy, and Happy HMB Halloween!
216: Hold My Cheap Lube
Danny accidentally left cheap lube out, Kelly talks about a shape shifting cryptid, and the gang go over the oddest ways drugs have been smuggled in to prison.