Come celebrate the holidays with the HMB crew as Kelly brings up Christmas themed porn, Danny sees if they know Christmas movies, and Chris brings up Santa crimes.
251: Hold My Army of Dogs
The crew go back to the hypothetical war against the monkeys. Kelly decides the dogs would be his army of choice, while Yams rubs himself and Danny defends his choices.
250: Hold My Anchor (You Can Sink Love)
Join the HMB crew this week as Chris discusses what he watches on Youtube, Yams tells tale of a sad Russian crime, and Toon talks about why he couldn't join the Navy. They then discover the perfect send off for one of the gang.
249: Hold My Sexually Aggressive Sharks
The crew start off by talking beer, parades, KISS, and Nickleback before digging up a property that they all love. How would HMB defend their dream home? Armed kangaroos and a group of sexually aggressive sharks for starters!
248: Happy Yamsgiving 5
Quarantine can't break tradition on Hold My Beer! Yams is absent this year for his birthday episode but the gang trudge on and discuss several foods that they have issues with, inappropriate zoo activities, news from the eighteen hundreds, and a blind man arrested for drunk driving.
247: Hold My Dutch
The crew starts out by discussing how the Dutch have started hunting criminals and doing the beer review. The second half of this episode had to be re-recorded after the original disappeared. Chris has a theory on what happened... but is he right?
246: Hold My Dolphin Dog
Old Kelly returns to learn how to properly discuss politics as the crew drink baggies of nasty vodka and learn about towns with funny names. Also… apparently dolphins use to be dogs… If you would like to draw a picture of what you think Gracious Host Danny Mawenz looks like, you can submit you’re drawing to the podcast at
245: Hold My Bag of Useless Cheese
The gang get the jugga-talk out of the way before the theme even hits this week! What comes after is Danny and Chris going off on various people and the Price is Drunk! Crack open your free moonshine and prepare to not use any knowledge that you have!