true stories

Hold My Fart (it hit the floor)

Kelly returns as the gang discuss the Gathering of the Juggalos, Danny is very excited for Chris to tale a story about a fart, and Chris miss speaks about what sushi is served on.

Hold My Moose Skates

Toon comes in with one of the oddest and, honestly, most disgusting tales the gang has heard in a while. Danny has a list of animals some random guy named Dave thinks he can beat in one-on-one combat, and a story of a man on a meth-fueled adventure! So send a pic of your genitals to a loved one and enjoy this week's episode of H.M.B.!

250: Hold My Anchor (You Can Sink Love)

Join the HMB crew this week as Chris discusses what he watches on Youtube, Yams tells tale of a sad Russian crime, and Toon talks about why he couldn't join the Navy. They then discover the perfect send off for one of the gang.

246: Hold My Dolphin Dog

Old Kelly returns to learn how to properly discuss politics as the crew drink baggies of nasty vodka and learn about towns with funny names. Also… apparently dolphins use to be dogs… If you would like to draw a picture of what you think Gracious Host Danny Mawenz looks like, you can submit you’re drawing to the podcast at

190: Hold My Bloop Bloop

Danny is sick this week so he plays co-host as Chris takes control. Toon has a very odd sex story for the group, the gang discuss underground rap, and a man is forever in a bridge!

Hold My Honky Kong

The HMB gang sits back to bring the scary, and fail hilariously. Yams discusses possible dating prospects for Troll and B-Rad talks about a demon house as Danny yells about the G.O.A.T. and Chris dies.