ghost stories

Slaughter in the Summer 2023

An old tradition returns this week as the HMB gang return to horror! Does the Pentagon hold Eldridge horrors in every corner? What would life be like as an accidental time traveler? Who haunts the White House? Why is it, that every time we think of something scary, it involves the U.S. government? Find out in the return of Slaughter in the Summer!

303: Hold My Reincarnation

B-Rad returns this week as the gang talk about a person getting crushed by a car, jelly beans, ghost vehicles, and confuse a train for a human centipede.

177: Hold My Butt Hole

Chris gets a promotion as the O.G. Butter Gang discuss skipping sex, a certain orifice, cereal, a grenade selling thumb and pud pulling prime ape!

157: Hold My Hometown Haunts

The newly named "butter gang" go over several haunted areas in and around their little pieces of America. A few headlines make the cut this week as the crew decide to be nice for a change.

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Hold My Horror 3 (part 1)

For the first time ever the Hold My Beer crew decide to double down on Halloween by releasing two full length episodes in one week. In the first part, Toon joins the group to discuss which celebrity would be worse to be haunted by, and how they would act in the after life. Enjoy responsibly, and look forward to the second part coming this Halloween!