Danny finds out his father wanted to be more like the Big Show, and Chris had an innocent dream about a grandma that the gang ruin.
Hold My Memorial (Be Radical)
The H.M.B. gang mourn the loss, and celebrate the life of, B-Rad.
Hold My Not Dead Dale
Three King's watch a cat, praise Dale, and get perplexed by the goings on in their kid's lives.
Hold My Horse Position
The gang talk about wresting moves, bad relationships, and how Yams' love life is terminal!
Best of: Time Travel
Danny is joined by a special guest to relive two of his favorite stories from the podcast. Enjoy the tale of a wedding gone right, and the gang discussing life as a person that time travels every time they have an orgasm.
Hold My Long Casket (Baby Cop)
Three King reunite as the gang cover the life and death of Sid Vicious, Yams having the zoomies, final destination, and an undercover baby cop.
Hold My Haunted Hello
Chris recalls a ghostly voice saying hello to him, funeral homes after hours, and how disappointed at everything Yams is.
Hold My Fart (it hit the floor)
Kelly returns as the gang discuss the Gathering of the Juggalos, Danny is very excited for Chris to tale a story about a fart, and Chris miss speaks about what sushi is served on.