HMB returns to discuss a police officer shooting at some one because an acorn hit his car, a doctor botching a child birth in the most disturbing way, and a far more wholesome Jellyroll concert.
266: Hold My Grand Theft Auto
Hours before recording Danny's vehicle was stolen from his property. Also, Yams has pointless facts and a the gang discuss a Florida woman having a boxing match with a student.
201: Hold My Lt. Pickles
B-Rad joins the group as Toon is on vacation. The topics include Florida men, Marty Jennetty, and animals firing guns!
Hold My Ritz
The HMB trio sit back and talk about a familly haunted for many years, a police chief in a small town, and beer from California!
Hold My Secret Menu
Truju joins the gang to discuss bad jokes, true crime, the wrong way to smoke out of a bong, and the odd things you might eat afterwards.
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