
221: Hold My Fake News Heaven

Then and Now Productions
Hold My Beer
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Fake news Heaven may not be real, but Marty Jannetty's Facebook page is! The gang read some of his wilder posts as Yams tells tale of a cat being attacked, and the gang talk about someone's dreams of becoming a professional wrestler!

208: Hold My Cabal

Then and Now Productions
Hold My Beer
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The O.G.B.G. do a three lap beer review while Toon was so high he thought he saw himself on youtube, Chris learns what a cabal is, Yams got blocked by facebook, and Danny yells about back yard wrestling!

170: Hold My Several Duvets

Hold My Beer
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This episode starts with a look behind the scenes as Danny yells about a podcast that accidentally slighted him six months ago. Throw in a game where three contestants listen to a Supper Humman stunt and try to guess what he has done!

Hold My Two Feet

Hold My Beer
Hold My Two Feet
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T.J. joins the gang to discuss music, festivals, books with bad titles, and awful Facebook postings.