In this bonus episode, we've gone through and collected all of the tall tales that Yams brought to the table involving our favorite dumb duo.
Hold My Unicorn Cult
Beer, elaborate suicides, idiot news, Mexican serial killers, and horror movie talk are what Chris, Kelly, B-Radical, Yams, and Gracious Host bring to the table on this weeks episode of HMB.
Hold My Proud Potato Papa
Woooooo! Danny is excited this week to bring Ric Flair news to the table, and Chris is now a father!
Hold My Testicles
The gang come in strong with and awkward sound check and a beer review right off top.
Hold My Racing
HMB accidentally go back to their roots this week, with lesser sound quality and more offensive jokes than usual.
Hold My Hand Job
The gang sit down and run through a few odd headlines, Yams discusses more stories from a friend of a friend, Chris getting framed, and Kelly brings a cheesy attempted murder to the table.
Hold My March Madness
It's time for more scary on HMB as Danny brings odd murder weapons, Yams talks about nightmares, and Brad revisits a local haunt.
Hold My Year One
The gang sit back and discuss their first year in podcasting. They bounce around their favorite beers and stories before Yams tells a few new ones.