Yams had to yell at his son, the gang get grossed out by an egg salad sandwich, and one clown gets assaulted while another clown absolutely loves it!
Hold My Werehorse
The gang read more of Jewel's poetry, discover Bloody Mary's Indiana origin, and Danny dreams of being a Werehorse.
Hold My Bouncy Ball (it means no worries)
Chris confuses Dragon Ball Z for the Lion King, Kelly is lost in the deep end, and Danny has a list of odd adult toys.
Hold My Killer King
The gang stumble across an absolutely insane conspiracy theory about how Stephen King killed America's last true hero, John Lennon!
Hold My Cold Call
The gang yell at Danny for bringing up dark subjects out of no where and then break down some pedo hunter videos Chris found on the internet.
Hold My Pretty Bird
HMB returns to discuss a police officer shooting at some one because an acorn hit his car, a doctor botching a child birth in the most disturbing way, and a far more wholesome Jellyroll concert.
Hold My Gay Day
Danny, Chris, and Yams get together this week to go over reviews of a local motel, Nascar drivers, and the sad state of Marty Jannetty.
The Gang Watch T.V. 3 (the musical)
Join the gang as they rock out to some of the worst music on the internet and discuss the super gross allegations that have been made against V.K.M.