The gang got hypothetically high before discussing their home town statistics, a rare dog, and the downfall of Kanye West.
185: Hold My Sneeze
In a crossover with HMB and the upcoming Pass That hosted by Toon, Chris and Danny find them selves outnumbered. The group discuss odd soda flavors and even more odd methods of sneezing.
160: Hold My Stupid Scooter
When the Butter Gang sat down to record, the house behind the studio caught on fire... also there is juggalo news.
153: Hold My Tent
Danny is rocked by the revelation that there was a "raw dog" tent at previous Gathering of the Juggalos. Also, Chris discovered one of the more depressing Patreon pages on the internet.
Hold My Gator
The core four reunite to talk cheap soda, freaky Florida news, and confrontations. Then the four try Da Bomb hot sauce... and share their thoughts.